Advertising, partnership and sponsorship
Are you interested in making a partnership with Sportmember? On this page you can read about how to become a partner with SportMember and what we can offer you and your company. You're more than welcome to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
400.000 +
registered users
Annual growth rates
2.000.000 +
Visits per month
11.000.000 +
Pageviews per month

Banner ads
About 70% of our traffic is on the app. 16 million views. 200,000 monthly users, it is a unique showcase. The desktop is often used when working more intensively with the admin functions on SportMember.

Newsletters are sent out a few times every month to a million users. It is optimal to get the users' attention.

In-feed advertising
Infeed ads are placed in the SportMember content. This makes the ads very visible for the visitors when scrolling through SportMember. In-feed ads are perfectly tailored to the feed and therefore do not interfere with users.

SportMember has partnered with several companies to create exciting campaigns. The options are many and individual in order to meet the companies demands for communication.

Become part of SportMember's Premium benefits program. Every month, SportMember Premium triggers a new voucher.

Link building for more than 400 sports sites. SportMember will increase your SEO rank. Every month we build links from 5-10 different keywords: football boots, sport shoes, badminton rackets etc.

Lead campaigns targeted different segments. Users enter details collected with a single click and collected in our database. No need for the users to enter personal details, they will only need to join the campaign.