The best platform for all the members and staff within a club
Here's why SportMember is the best online platform for managing a club
If you're looking for the perfect club online platform, you've come to the right place. The platform SportMember started out as a system to manage a single team, lettings members know when matches and fixtures are happening, and letting the coach know who is attending the individual event. Since then SportMember has developed into a platform that fits the needs of the entire club.
Since those early days, various clubs has reached out to SportMember with wishes and suggestions to what would end up making SportMember their platform of choice. With functions such as a combined club calendar, club website, a full membership list across all teams and perhaps most importantly, the ability to request and receive payments from members.
How the platform will help save time
When implementing the SportMember platform in a club, the benefits that normally clear after a few months is the time that is saved. Switching to a platform with every function that a club needs, instead of using multiple platforms saves time on it's own, but also having a system that will automatically remind members of upcoming events, and also membership fee payments, relieves the club staff from a lot of undesirable tasks, and freeing up time to be spent on whats most important, having fun with sport, friends and family.
Having a platform that will automatically remind members of an upcoming match as made life easier for the individual coaches. Instead of having to remind their members every single week of an upcoming practice or more importantly, a match. SportMember will automatically send out reminders to the members, and also provides the members with a platform where they can always go and check when the next upcoming activity will take place.
The case is the same for club treasurer, instead of manually sending out payment reminders, SportMember will do the hard work automatically. Once the treasurer has set up the dates and prices for membership subscription, and marked which teams pay which subscription, everything will be automated from that point on. When choosing one or multiple dates, the membership subscription will be fixed on those dates, and repeated every single year, meaning that every single member will automatically receive an invoice 14 days in advance of the payment deadline. Also new members who become members during a season will be charged accordingly, based on which team they are joining, and when they are joining during the season. The club has the option of adding variable prices, meaning that if a new member joins the club with, lets say, only a month left of the season, they might be offered a reduced price for the remaining month, before a new season starts, where they of course will pay the full price for that new season.

Automatically created website, the secret benefit of a single combined platform
When looking for a platform for to manage members & staff within a club, a surprising benefit of choosing SportMember is that by using standart features such as calendar and membership subscription, is that the system can automatically create a public website for the club, which draws information from the data that club staff and coaches insert into SportMember. So every activity will be shown on the website, contact information can be shown on the website, and when a coach updates his or her information such as their phone number, this will automatically be updated on the website as well. Likewise, prices for subscription will be shown when new potential members sign up for a potential spot on a team, meaning that this website will also function as a place to go for potential members.
Easy ways to contact the parents of members
A lot of clubs have members below the age of 18 and therefor needs the ability to not only reaching the members but also their parents. On SportMember, every single member of the club has a unique profile, but it's also possible for the parents to have a profile, even though they are not member of a club. A parent can make a profile in their own name, and then connect that profile to their children. This has multiple benefits. The parents can now from a single profil access all their children's profiles, without having to remember multiple usernames and passwords. The benefit on behalf of the club is that every connected parent to a member, will now be reachable for coaches and staff from the club. Perhaps the club wants to sent out emails only for the parents, and using the parent profile function allows them to do that.
All in all, SportMember is the complete tool for any club looking for a platform to manage both a club and all its members.